Always hugely popular at any event, our face painters were be on hand to offer free face painting for visitors throughout the day!
Our amazing Magician Tony Hyams was on hand welcoming guests, creating balloon models and mystifying visitors with some amazing magic...
Every day on stage MOTORS were handing out merchandise and prizes to the little 'uns, with games competitions and giveaways all day.
A classic with all ages, The Mega Buzz Wire requires you to move your metallic wand from one end of the wire to the other without touching the two together and making that dreaded buzzing noise ring out. We all know the challenge well from fun fairs and carnivals - a challenge suitable for all ages.
The Star Maze Runner Challenge is simple...on paper. Players simply guide the ball from start to finish within the maze. Using the wheel for direction, you'll rotate the maze a full 360, left or right as you try to navigate the right path and place your ball in the finish hole. And, to add to the fun of the challenge, visitors of all ages got to compete against each others time!
For the smaller visitors we had a colouring area and a big soft play lego build brick area. We made sure there were seats and a coffee stop close by too where adults could take the weight off their feet while the kids played.